The Bobby Lees hail from the great state of New York bringing with them the ferocious energy that has garnered praise from the likes of Iggy Pop, and Henry Rollins just to name a few. In the heart of D.C. a place that roots its foundation in its underground hardcore scene from the 80s, colliding with some of New York’s best in the punk space we were treated to a classic performance. Drummer Macky Bowman set the tone with a pre-show naked jog in place after stripping down to just his underwear! Eagerly waiting to see what was in store singer Sam Quartin burst onto the mic with “Guttermilk”. The music hitting you like a freight train you couldn’t help but get wrapped up in the energy. D.C. is no stranger to mosh pits and this show was no exception in a tight space such as DC9. The fans kept the energy going garnering attention and praise from the band and, even at one point crowd surfing which for a 200 cap venue was a first for me to witness. The Bobby Lees are explosive, fun, and completely free spirited which is a much needed break from your normal run of the mill artist make sure to check out they’re music and the next time they stroll through town!

Words & Photos: Jacob Castillo