June 11th 2022: This weekend was pretty busy in our Nations Capital, the Pride Parade was in full swing there were still a few lingering protestors doing their thing and did I mention the two completely sold out shows at one of the best venues in DC?!
YUP, one of the most talented singer-songwriters took over the DMV for two nights, the amazing Phoebe Bridgers. I will be honest, I never really gave her music a proper listen (and boy am I glad I chose to) but once I heard she was coming to town I had to be there to experience her show. And PSA, I left a huge fan her music is just phenomenal live.
But back to the concert…Night one of two the fans piled into the venue and lets just say there are some pretty die hard Bridgers fans here, some dressed in her “Skull” outfits and some dressed up in something similar to her attire that she wears on stage.
Opening up the night was CLAUD. Little did anyone know CLAUD was the first artist who was signed to Phoebe Bridgers own record label called Saddest Factory Records. The vibe they gave was funky/poppy/ and super energetic.

After an amazing set from CLAUD, fans awaited anxiously (and even chanted “PHOEBE” at some point) for the lady of the next hour or so. The stage was set in some sort of enchanted theme if that’s how you want to describe it, it was magical. The lights then went out, Bridgers’ band took the stage and instantly the fans screamed at the top of their lungs. It was ear piercing. Then center stage on some sort of platform a silhouette appeared on stage and guess who it was…PHOEBE BRIDGERS. You already know the screams grew louder.
The setlist was full of all of her hits, some older and some newer. Bridgers opened up with Motion Sickness. Can we also praise that everyone in that room sang each and every song word for word the whole night? Because that right there is dedication. The setlist for night one consisted of a total of sixteen songs plus an encore. Check out Phoebe Bridgers’ setlist below:
Motion Sickness
DVD Menu
Garden Song
Smoke Signals
Chinese Satellite
Moon Song
Scott Street
Savior Complex
Graceland Too
I Know the End
Waiting Room